Let's play with voronoi and São Paulo data

Before we start, did you have followed the setup steps described at here

New function

geofracker.voronoipolygons = function(rawLayer)

Let’s explore data

  • Define voronois for all the “utilities”:
Abastecimento = downloadAndUnzipShp("http://geosampa.prefeitura.sp.gov.br/PaginasPublicas/downloadArquivoOL.aspx?orig=DownloadCamadas&arq=03_Equipamentos%5C%5CAbastecimento%5C%5CShapefile%5C%5CEQUIPAMENTOS_SHP_TEMA_ABASTECIMENTO&arqTipo=Shapefile")

Abastecimento1 <- readOGR(dsn=Abastecimento$dir[1], layer=Abastecimento$shapeclass[1])

data = geofracker.voronoipolygons(Abastecimento1)
proj4string(data) <- Abastecimento1@proj4string
#add points

Further Draws:

spplot(data, "dummy")
  • Get the centroid of a polygon from an edification:

Edificacao = downloadAndUnzipShp("http://geosampa.prefeitura.sp.gov.br/PaginasPublicas/downloadArquivoOL.aspx?orig=DownloadCamadas&arq=06_Habita%E7%E3o%20e%20Edifica%E7%E3o%5C%5CEdifica%E7%E3o%5C%5CShapefile%5C%5CSHP_edificacao_SE&arqTipo=Shapefile")
Edificacao1 <- readOGR(dsn=Edificacao$dir[1], layer=Edificacao$shapeclass[1])
#centers of edifications
pointsEdificacao <- rgeos::gCentroid(Edificacao1, byid=TRUE)
proj4string(pointsEdificacao) <- Edificacao1@proj4string

Generate a list of “Edification” center of mass.

  • Use the voronoi to define which a edification polygon belongs to a voronoi polygon.

Exploring “over” to check which polygon the building belongs

#Get region
pointsEdificacao$voronoiData <- over(pointsEdificacao, data)$voronoi.zone
identical(proj4string(data), proj4string(Edificacao1))

pointsEdificacao$voronoiData <- over(pointsEdificacao,as(data,"SpatialPolygons"))
plot(data, border = "darkgrey")
points(pointsEdificacao, col = "red", pch = 16)

  • Calculate the distance of to the closest Voronoi center
pointsEdificacao$distanceUtil <- pointDistance(pointsEdificacao,coordinates(data[na.omit(as.character(pointsEdificacao$voronoiData)), ]))

mapdata <- data.frame(pointsEdificacao)

  • Rendering the results:

ggplot(data= mapdata, aes(x=x, y=y, color=distanceUtil)) +  geom_point( ) + scale_colour_gradient(limits=c(3, 1000), low="green", high="red") + coord_fixed()

  • The most red in the color means more distance from the equipament in study, the greenish it is closer it is.
  • The points are the center of the equipament center of mass.
  • Create a new column in the data to have the distance from given “utilities zone” to the closest voronoi centroid
  • use this distance to a compose a score.

Extra Results:

Max distance to a equipament in study

max(pointDistance(pointsEdificacao,coordinates(data[na.omit(as.character(pointsEdificacao$voronoiData)), ])))

Coordinates of the centroids

data[na.omit(as.character(pointsEdificacao$voronoiData)), ]
#centroid of the region a point belongs

coordinates(data[na.omit(as.character(pointsEdificacao$voronoiData)), ])

Bonus commands:

Removing duplicated objects, to clean data:

zd <- zerodist(Abastecimento1)
cleanedData <- subset(Abastecimento1, !(1:nrow(Abastecimento1) %in% zd[,2]))
# eq_id - candidate id for equipamen (need to check it is unique)

# ed_id - candidate id for edification (need to check it is unique)


  • further reference:


  • to combine voronoy with a map, for more precise result:


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