GeoFracker Studio Steup(Part 1) Let's start!


This guide will cover how to use the project geoFracker to help you to start using RStudio inside of a docker image to avoid too much struggle to install the required libs.

geoFracker is a extended version of rocker-org/hadleyverse RStudio distribution of docker with some custom libs to help you to process some Sao Paulo data offered at GeoSampa


GeoFracker Overview

Docker is easy way to pack software to easy distribution of softwares that works as micro services, as for example RStudio. Docker works well on windows, mac or linux.

Initial Setup - Creating our workspace


The next steps will require you to have docker.

what is docker?

For details on how to install and setup docker check out this page:

For Windows and Mac check out:

Running your workspace

Running your workspace: followw the steps described here

docker pull it4poster/geofracker
docker run -d -p 8787:8787 -p 6311:6311 it4poster/geofracker

Open your browser at http://**dockerip**:8787/


user password
rstudio rstudio

Example of RStudio url running on dockers.

Running on docker machine:

Running on localhost(linux): http://localhost:8787

At your browser rstudio:

#wait the installs to be completed

Let’s explore some data

Exploring a basic São Paulo Data:

  • geofracker.downloadAndUnzipShp(URL) -> Allows you to download a shapefile for processing.

Edificacao = geofracker.downloadAndUnzipShp([1])

Edificacao1 <- readOGR(dsn=Edificacao$dir[1], layer=Edificacao$shapeclass[1])
#centers of edifications
pointsEdificacao <- rgeos::gCentroid(Edificacao1, byid=TRUE)
proj4string(pointsEdificacao) <- Edificacao1@proj4string
plot(pointsEdificacao) It is list of files available already embeed on this studio version to help you to explore the data. e.g:[1] is the “5CSHP_edificacao_AGUA_RASA” file.

Exploring the Center of Mass

Center of Mass is the center of the polygon(in this case an edification). We will use this property later to do some cool calculation.

pointsEdificacao <- rgeos::gCentroid(Edificacao1, byid=TRUE)

proj4string(pointsEdificacao) <- Edificacao1@proj4string



Next Steps

For a more complete setup check this page where you can enable ftp access to the geofracker container.

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