GeoFracker Studio Steup(Part 2) Improving your workspace


A suggested way to use this studio to simplify file acess it is the following:

GeoFracker Docker Topology

Setting up the workspace

1st time - environment setup

#Data storage volume
docker volume create --name ws_not_remove
#create the RStudio Docker
docker run -d --name r_geofracker -v ws_not_remove:/home/rstudio/workspace -p 8787:8787 -p 6311:6311 it4poster/geofracker
docker run -d -v ws_not_remove:/srv/ftp --name ftp_geofracker -p 21:21 -p 30000-30009:30000-30009 -e USER=ftpuser1 -e PASSWORD=qaz123 it4poster/pure-ftpd-sample

Updating environment

if you need to update the environment just run:

#Stop containers
docker stop r_geofracker
docker stop ftp_geofracker
#Remove old containers(be aware this will remove everything outside of the folder /home/rstudio/workspace)
docker rm r_geofracker
docker rm ftp_geofracker

#update images
docker pull it4poster/geofracker
docker pull it4poster/pure-ftpd-sample

#Start new containers - fresh new workspace
docker run -d --name r_geofracker -v ws_not_remove:/home/rstudio/workspace -p 8787:8787 -p 6311:6311 it4poster/geofracker
docker run -d -v ws_not_remove:/srv/ftp --name ftp_geofracker -p 21:21 -p 30000-30009:30000-30009 -e USER=ftpuser1 -e PASSWORD=qaz123 it4poster/pure-ftpd-sample

We will explore docker volumes on this tutorial, a very simple way to persist and share data between containers.

After you setup the volume once, you can check if it still there with:

docker volume inspect ws_not_remove

Once the container it is created, you can run new containers pointing to the same place, and the data inside the shared folder will continue to be there. Inside the r_geofracker container, the folder /home/rstudio/workspace will be stored inisde ws_not_remove and not at r_geofracker.


This guide is meant ot help with the following - Enable ftp access to your files inse r_geofracker, to access use ftp://docker_host_ip, and all files of the folder /home/rstudio/workspace will be there; - Enable persitence between r_geofracker image updates; - This setup works on local setup, running docker in your machine; - This setup works on remote setup, running docker on a machine in your LAN; - This setup works on cloud setup, running docker in the cloud if you desire to share this studio with someone else, on this scenarios I would advice to change default passwords.

Expected result

Running images: bash docker ps

CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                        COMMAND                   CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                                                      NAMES
58894a4f6a81        it4poster/pure-ftpd-sample   "/bin/sh -c 'echo \"$P"   7 minutes ago       Up 7 minutes>21/tcp,>30000-30009/tcp   ftp_geofracker
04d4f404c235        it4poster/geofracker         "/init"                   7 minutes ago       Up 7 minutes>6311/tcp, 1410/tcp,>8787/tcp   r_geofracker

Data Volumes:

docker volume inspect ws_not_remove
        "Name": "ws_not_remove",
        "Driver": "local",
        "Mountpoint": "/mnt/sda1/var/lib/docker/volumes/ws_not_remove/_data",
        "Labels": {}


To access the files via FTP, you can use tools like:

  • - Read/Write client
  • < - Download Firefox - Firefox is Faster Than Ever‎> - Read-Only client
  • and others…


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